Returns the year from the given date. Input: date Output: year (int16) Examples. If mylink.mydate contains the date 2013-08-21, then two following functions are equivalent, and return the value …
Returns the day number in the year from the given date. Input: date Output: day (int16) Examples. If mylink.mydate contains the date 2008-08-20, then two following functions are equivalent, …
Returns the day number of the week from the given date. Origin_day optionally specifies the day regarded as the first in the week and is Sunday by default. Input: …
MonthFromDate returns the month number from the given date. Input: date Output: month_number (int8) Examples. If link1.mydate contains date 2008-08-21, then the function returns the value 8. You can …
The Funnel stage is a processing stage. It copies multiple input data sets to a single output data set. This operation is useful for combining separate data sets into …
The Funnel stage is a processing stage. It copies multiple input data sets to a single output data set. This operation is useful for combining separate data sets into …
Returns the day of the month from the given date. Input: date Output: day (int8) Examples. If link.mydate contains date 2013-08-21, then function returns the value 18: You can …
Returns a julian day from the given date. Input: date Output: julianday (int32) Examples. If link.mydate contains the date 2008-05-28, then the function returns the value 2454615. You can …