Status Name | Status Code | Explanation |
DSJS.RUNNING | 0 | Job is actually running |
DSJS.RUNOK | 1 | Job finished a normal run with no warnings |
DSJS.RUNWARN | 2 | Job finished a normal run with warnings |
DSJS.RUNFAILED | 3 | Job finished a normal run with a fatal error |
DSJS.QUEUED | 4 | Job queued waiting for resource allocation |
DSJS.VALOK | 11 | Job finished a validation run with no warnings |
DSJS.VALWARN | 12 | Job finished a validation run with warnings |
DSJS.VALFAILED | 13 | Job failed a validation run |
DSJS.RESET | 21 | Job finished a reset run |
DSJS.CRASHED | 96 | Job has crashed |
DSJS.SPPED | 97 | Job was stopped by operator intervention (can’t tell run type) |
DSJS.NOTRUNNABLE | 98 | Job has not been compiled |
DSJS.NOTRUNNING | 99 | Any other status – other than above |
InfoSphere DataStage Jobstatus return codes from dsjob
July 31, 2019