DataStage Interview Questions-5

81. If the sequence has 4 jobs, How to restart the run from 2nd job again?

Answer:  Using the checkpoint concept to make it restart.

82. Difference between Resource Disk and Resource Scratch Disk? Where are they specified?

Answer:  Resource Disk is for permanent storage.(Hard disk of CPU). Resource Scratch disk is for temporary storage.(Like RAM). They are specified for each node in the configuration file.

83. My job is aborting due to a disk out of space issue? What you can suggest to resolve this?

Answer:  Issue command ‘df –k’ in unix then check the space after that remove the unwanted log files and datasets.

84. I have a field value “I owe you” . I want to pass this into 3 rows.

Answer:  Before job sub routine put SED –s/” “/n/g and read the field with sequential file

85. I have a source file with 14 columns. How to extract 10 fields out of it without changing jobs.

Answer: awk –F ‘delimiter‘ {print $1,$2..$10}

86. Write a command to see the dataset data. What are the prerequisites to execute this orchadmin command?

Answer:  Orchadmin dump dataset > flatfile. Prerequisites are need to set up Export APTORCHHOME, CONFIG FILE, PATH

87. I have a string “I love myself”. I want pass “myself “ only into one variable in my Shellscript.

Answer:  cut –c 9-15

88. There are several fields in a file. The number of fields in the file is unknown to me.What should I do to pass the last field’s value into one variable in my Shell script

Answer:  var1 = awk –F ‘ ‘ {print$NF} filename

89. What is the use of .profile to a DataStage developer in Unix?

Answer:  The system runs $HOME/.profile whenever you log in. If you change your .profile, the changes don’t go into effect until you next log in. You should use your .profile to do the customizations that you need to do only once, or that you want all shells to inherit.

90. How can you display the duplicate values from unix?

Answer:  Uniq –D

91. How to display the uniq records in unix. I don’t want to sort

Answer:  awk ‘!seen[$0]++’ data.txt

92. How to keep recent 5 days log files and remove rest of log files from log directory?

Answer:  Unix Command : find /home/input/files* -mtime +5 -exec rm {} ;

93. How to kill the data stage sessions from unix.

Answer:  ps –eaf | grep slave| grep ds api and then find job pid and then kill -9

94. What is the difference between Join and Merge

Answer:  Join don’t support reject links Various ways in which data is being selected(joined)- different types of joins, inner, outer( left, right, full) Megre supports reject links, Data in Master record and update records are merged only when both have same value for the merge key columns

95. What are the steps required to kill the job in Datastage

Answer:  To kill the job in Datasatge, we have to kill the respective processing ID.

96. Differentiate between validated and Compiled in the Datastage?

Answer:  In Datastage, validating a job means, executing a job. While validating, the Datastage engine verifies whether all the required properties are provided or not. In other case, while compiling a job, the Datastage engine verifies that whether all the given properties are valid or not.

97. Which two methods can be used for adding messages to a message handler

Answer:  Type in the message rule by hand and Use the add rule to message hander interface

98. Which two steps are required to change from a normal lookup to a sparse lookup in an ODBC Enterprise stage?

Answer:  Change the lookup option in the stage properties to “Sparse” and Establish a relationship between the key field column in the source stage with the database table field.

99. In which two situations would you use the Web Services Client stage?

Answer:  need the Web service to act as either a data source or a data target during an operation, do not need both input and output links in a single web service operation

100. Which two methods enable the collection of CPU time used by each instance of a stage?

Answer:  Set the environment variable $APT_PM_PLAYER_TIMING=true and Select the Record job performance data check box from Job Properties

101. Which three lookup types may be performed in the Lookup stage?

Answer:  Equality match, Range on stream link and Range on the reference link

102. How to convert VARCHAR field to date in DataStage job?

Answer:  Use the Modify stage to perform the type conversion

103. What is the correct syntax to start a multi-instance job?

Answer:  dsjob -run -mode NORMAL .

104. Which three property areas must be configured when using the ODBC connector stage as a target in your job design?

You can practice the above questions and along with a few more by watching the below video:

Previous Article:  DataStage Interview Questions-4



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