This is the basic concept we need to learn after code/develop DataStage jobs.
In this post, I will explain how to export the jobs from one datastage server and import them to another datastage server.
you can export and import sequence, parallel, parameter sets from one server to another server.

Why do we need to Export and Import DataStage jobs

After developing the jobs, we need to migrate that job to QA or Production server. In order to do this, we need to export our jobs and import them into QA or Production server.

However, we may have some other processes before importing the jobs into QA/Production servers like uploading .dsx file into version control or migration tools like StarTeam or IBM RTC tools..etc. I had experience with these tools and you may have used different tool or some people don’t use any tools to store the .dsx files at all.

Procedure to Export DataStage Jobs:

Right click on job or jobs that you want to export.
right click-and-export-parallel-job

Give the file name and path (where do you want to store the dsx file) in ‘Export to file’ box.

Click on ‘Export’.


You can see a file name with the given name and with extension as ‘.dsx’.


.dsx file name can be anything, need not be same as exported job name.

Once you import the dsx file in another server, job name will be same as like it was in exported server. Datastage will take care of this and folder structure will be created automatically.

Here I showed only exporting single job, however you can export multiple jobs at once by selecting all the jobs.Other way to export the jobs is from the ‘Export’ menu.

Procedure to Import DataStage jobs:

You need to very careful while importing the jobs. Because it replaces the existing job which has the same name, once it is replaced it can not be rolled back. So it is good to take backup of existing job before importing the jobs.

Go to “Import” in the menu, Select “DataStage Components…”

You will see the screen like below.
Browse for the .dsx file path and click “OK”.
There is one checkbox with the name “Overwrite without query”. This means if you don’t select this, it will automatically replaces the existing jobs with the new .dsx file.
If you select it, it will ask for each “Yes/No” before replacing existing job.



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